7 Top Designs for Luxury Shipping Container Homes


An ever-increasing number of individuals are building homes out of shipping containers nowadays. This energizing new development is imaginative, interesting, and reasonable. Utilized shipping containers are not difficult to purchase and their value goes from around $2,000 to $4,500 per container. Shipping container home design looks smooth and current. In any case, a few people think they look utilitarian and excessively modern.

They can be off-putting to certain individuals, contingent upon their taste. Draftsmen and design firms are doing astonishing things with shipping container home design, however. There are many eye-getting and amazing homes out there made from these materials. At the point when complete, some don't give off an impression of being shipping container homes by any stretch of the imagination. 

Peruse on to find out around a couple of extravagance shipping container homes from around the planet. You will be astounded. Anybody would adore an opportunity to live in one of these interesting homes, paying little mind to their design tastes. 

Seven Luxury Shipping Container Homes 

These seven homes are inconceivable. In the development of a few, it's undeniable and clear where and how the shipping containers have been utilized. In others, it is a smidgen more baffling. 

In any case, these structures are energizing, unique, and stand-out. They are remarkable and are extremely exceptional to individuals who call every one of them home. 


This house is situated in the Old Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas. The proprietors contacted M Gooden Design to assist them with making their fantasy home. One of them is a modeler so it is nothing unexpected that they chose to go for this altogether different design. It was finished in 2014 and was M Gooden Design's first shipping container project. This house is around 3,700 square feet of room broken into a few rooms including three rooms, three and a half showers, a cafe, and an amusement zone. 

The home likewise incorporates a two-vehicle carport and capacity region, and a huge rooftop deck with an all-encompassing perspective. Designers attempted to hoist the living regions however much as could be expected to improve the view and to shield the family from the road traffic beneath. This house is roomy and excellent and truly hangs out in the area. 

James Whitaker Studio Space 

Albeit this structure was designed to be a studio space for planner James Whitaker, nonetheless, it could undoubtedly be changed over into a home. The utilization of shipping containers in this development is striking and unique. 

Whitaker was enlivened by the way that gems develop while conceptualizing this construction, and that is noticeable in the completed design. Expansive windows on the closures of every one of the nine shipping containers are utilized to welcome bunches of characteristic light and cause the inside to appear to be open and breezy. 

Papuashivili Home 

Georgian designer Dachi Papuashvili designed this idea which utilizes just two opposite shipping containers to make a striking construction. The two containers cross each other to give a raised home that would fit right in with the encompassing woods. Albeit this design looks to some degree like a Christian cross, the designer says that was not purposeful. Or maybe, he designed it this route for work as opposed to shape. Four stories would remember a doorway for the principal floor, a restroom on the second, and living and the extra room above. Decks are available on both the first and fourth floors. The designer's decision of wood siding and wood inside covers the unforgiving metal outside typically noticeable in shipping container designs. 

Statement House 

This home in Chile takes extravagance shipping container homes to an unheard-of level. It was designed by modelers James and Mau and is made of only three utilized sea shipping containers. It is two levels and is only 1700 square feet, yet it appears to be a lot bigger both all around. The planners decided to raise this design off the ground to take into consideration a wide-open living territory on the base level. It is covered with practical wood and reused beds that can open and near assistance cool or ensure the home contingent upon various climate conditions. 

Maybe generally great, both the inside and the outside utilize something like 85% reused, reused, and eco-accommodating materials, making this a home that worked in light of manageability. 

Casa Incubo 

This Costa Rican home designed by modeler Maria Jose Trejos is enormous for hand-crafted shipping containers. Checking in at 4,305 square feet, this design utilizes shipping containers for outside dividers that are orchestrated around a focal open region. The open region takes into consideration amazing wind stream and the passage of loads of characteristic light. The shipping containers contain the rooms and other inside rooms. 

Since shipping container-designed homes can get very warm in the sweltering climate, bamboo screens and shades help to keep the space cool. 

Flying Box Villa 

This house was worked to utilize space in an exceptionally little parcel, and the modelers definitely succeeded. It was designed and made in France and appears to be very unique from different homes in the area. it was constructed quickly and was finished in just three months. There are three stories. The principal floor incorporates a covered zone for stopping just like a sewing studio and a pantry. 

The second and third floors incorporate the fundamental living spaces including rooms, a huge open parlor, and a kitchen. Most noteworthy is the open, finished patio that runs the length of the structure on the third floor. There are just 1300 square feet of indoor living space, yet it is put impeccably to such an extent that the inhabitants have a lot of room. 

WFH House 

The WFH home is situated in China yet it is very like the Flying Box Villa above. Although it isn't raised, it has a very inclining rooftop that makes vast areas for living even where shipping containers are not being utilized in the design. 

This house is somewhat bigger however and is very nearly 2,000 square feet inside. The designers joined Nordic design standards in the making of this one by utilizing practical materials, open, adaptable spaces, and heaps of light. It is perfect, smooth, and mathematically roused and is a brilliant four-room home for the family that lives in it. 

Cheerful Building 

These extravagant shipping container homes are astonishing and motivating. Ideally, they have given you a great deal to consider. In this domain, the prospects are genuinely perpetual! 

On the off chance that you are looking for shipping containers for your new home in Texas, kindly get in touch with us today. We have the correct shipping containers and administrations for you. 

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